
Srirasmi Thai Nude

Yes, you read that right! Srirasmi is a Thai beauty pageant contestant who recently posted to her Instagram page two photos of herself in the nude. This article features 19 NSFW images of one of Thailand's most popular beauty queens. Since her first post on December 12th, she has gained close to 100 thousand followers on Instagram, and has been profiled in Cosmopolitan Magazine Thailand which stated that "Srirasmi is challenging society's views on what it means to be beautiful." Her first post received an overwhelmingly positive response with comments praising her body shape and confidence. She has also been featured in several Thailand TV shows including GMM25, Channel 7 News, Channel 3 News, Saknarin Tanyukshorm, LADY HAX Magazine, A Kingdom For Kids and more. Her pictures have sparked debate in Thailand about the thin ideal for women. Some say that she is breaking down barriers to break the thin ideal stereotype for Thai women. Others say that she is too fat to be a beauty queen and has let herself go. Some journalists have reported her pictures as breaking the law since she is seen nude in public on Instagram which is illegal for Thai citizens to do so. However, she has not been reported to police and currently does not have a record of the photos. Srirasmi is a mother of one and resides in Bangkok. She wants to continue her career as a beauty contestant and hopes to inspire other young women who may feel like they cannot compete with the perfect image of Thai women. She uses her photographs as her platform for self-confidence and the acceptance of all shapes, sizes, skin colors, hairstyles, etc. in the world. She hopes her presence in society will motivate people to feel beautiful in every way, regardless of their size. Srirasmi is not the first contestant to go nude on Instagram. Other contestants have also gone public with their bodies after they are eliminated from the contest. A contestant known as "Thai Miss Jr." went nude on Instagram during an episode of GMM25 when she was eliminated from the competition. Srirasmi's nude pictures have received attention from several Thai local news channels.

Thailand has a very negative view on fatness. Srirasmi is one of the thousands of women who are shamed for being larger than the ideal body shape for women in Thai culture. She has overcome the negativity and shame she was being taught growing up in society, to be proud of her body and to accept herself, regardless of her weight.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OIGVQWcI62c https://www.youtube.


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